How I Found My Freedom
Like many other alcoholics and addicts, I grew up in an alcoholic home. My father was a daily drinker, and an angry one at that. Although he never abused me in any way, that was not the case for my mother. I witnessed abuse and was a victim of it from my grandmother...

A Design For Living…For Deaths in the Family
Last night, my husband’s grandfather passed away unexpectedly. Currently, my in-laws live with us, so our home was a natural spot for the family members to gather to discuss the details, comfort each other, and to do all the other things that come with the...

Journey to Alcoholism
My job came with a lot of stress. Lots of things needed to be done and they had to be done well. If they were not, there were plenty of people that would have been happy to take my position. At the end of the day, it was difficult to stop feeling that stress. Alcohol...

A Sober Life
It used to be rum, and sometimes wine Who am I kidding, I'd of taken any kind Spinning and spinning, further down the drain Drinking away my problems was a losing game The lies I told, to everyone else Weren't as bad as the ones I told myself The bottle of booze was...

How I Realized I Was an Alcoholic
I realized I might be drinking more than I should when I began drinking two or three glasses of wine before I went to meet friends for drinks…you know, just as I was "getting ready". I joked that I might be an alcoholic when I started bringing my own alcohol to...